Religious Programs, Activities, Hessed, & Sports
Religious Programs
An overarching goal of our program is to instill within each of our students a passionate love for, and lifelong commitment to, Torah. There are three vital components necessary to achieve this goal. The first is a deep connection and warm relationship between our young men and their rebbanim, and between our young ladies and their morot. We start with an amazingly gifted staff of community Rabbis, leaders, and role models who are committed to our mission and who are invested in every student. The second component is relevance- our students understand that Torah lessons and values are not merely ancient traditions, they are a relevant and essential part of every facet of our lives. We offer weekly sihot with the students, discussing timely topics, Mussar and Hashkafa, delving into insights from the Torah and how they impact and guide our lives. The third component is methodology- we emphatically believe that for a student to have true Helek and Kinyan (an active share and acquisition) of Torah, he or she must “own” it. We want to graduate lifelong learners and so we must ensure that they can delve into a text and offer clear and evidence based analysis. To achieve that end, all of our shiurim are designed to teach the students how- how to read, how to understand, how to analyze, and how to be creative in their Torah thought.
GEMS- Girls Empowerment Midot and Spirituality
All of our young ladies are paired with faculty mentors to guide them in character development, middot refinement, confidence building and overall personal growth. Each mentor group is unique, developing their own plan of action and implementing their own programs. Highlights include discussions on topics of interest and a variety of school trips and events, all focused on personal and spiritual growth. Each group “owns” a theme that they publicize and promote throughout the school for one month, creating projects, videos, presentations, banners and signs. These themes promote collaboration within the group and spread positive values throughout our school.
SPARK, our corresponding program for our young men, connects each Gemara track with a dedicated Rabbi as their "SPARK" mentor. Throughout the year, the Rabbi dedicates time to reaching these students beyond the classroom. Evening learning events, lunch and learn programs and fun activities provide our students with the opportunity to bond with their Rabbis. These connections last beyond their years at MDYHS and alumni continue to seek advice and guidance from our Rabbinical team.
Teams & Clubs
Extra Curricular Opportunities- Exploring interests and passions on the road to the future
Academic Teams
Magen David students are highly competitive and have the potential to vie with the best and brightest of the Orthodox Jewish community. We prove that year in and year out with our academic teams. Our lineup of teams includes College Bowl, Fed Challenge, Mock Trial, Model Congress, Model UN, Science Competition, Stock Market Club and Torah Bowl, to name just a few. Looking forward to another successful year!
MDYHS clubs are an amazing complement to our top-notch education program. Our wide range of extracurricular activities help to develop well-rounded students and foster new talents and interests that increase confidence, build each child’s interpersonal skills and link their academic knowledge with their practical experiences. In addition to providing clubs in all disciplines including art, science, business, and drama, we also create clubs based on students’ interests. Our staff works tirelessly to ensure that every student is placed in a club in which he or she can thrive. The addition of “club hour” guarantees that all students are participating in clubs that will help each student to reach his or her potential.
Current Clubs:
- Arabic
- Chess
- Debate Team
- Go Green
- Pre-Law
- Intramurals
- Basketball
- Israel Advocacy
- Math Clinic
- Math Team
- Stock Market
- Book Club
- Mishmar
- Mock Trial
- College Bowl
- Model Congress
- Peer Tutoring
- The Flame
- Philanthropy
- The Quill
- Robotics
- School Band
- Torah Bowl
- Design your own club- pitch an idea and get a group together and we will help you make it a reality!
When students join a team, they enhance their athletic abilities but, above that, they build social skills, they develop character, they learn how to be a member of a team and they learn how to lead. The Sports Program at MDYHS is one of the premier programs in the Metropolitan Yeshiva Athletic League. Our JV and Varsity athletic teams for boys and girls have won several Yeshivah League Championships. Teams include Basketball, Hockey, Volleyball, Soccer, Baseball, Dance, Softball and Tennis. Whether playing, observing or cheering for our school, sports bring our MDYHS family closer together. GO WARRIORS!
Our Boys Varsity Basketball Team has the best record in the Yeshiva League over the past 5 years.
- Yeshiva League Champions 2018
- Yeshiva League Runner-up Champions 2019
- Memphis Cooper Tournament Champions 2018 &2019
- Magen David Pre-Season Tournament Champions-2018 &2019
- HAFTR Satran Tournament Champions--2019
- Sarachek Tournament Runner-Up Champions 2018 & 2019
Other Team Accolades
- Our Boys JV Basketball Team won the Yeshiva League Championship in 2017 & 2019.
- Our Girls Volleyball Team won the Yeshiva League Championship, 2019-2020.
- Our Girls Dance Team were the 2019 Yeshiva League Champions.
- Our Girls Basketball Team has been Runner-Ups to the Champions the last 3 years.
- Paula Antar, Yeshiva League Sprinting Champion in 2018.